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America’s communities are developing strategies to help ensure their economic, environmental, and social sustainability. Every community is different; there is no “one size fits all” model to fit the needs of rural, suburban, and urban areas. Rather, a range of sustainability strategies are being developed and implemented in response to the needs, assets, and visions that each community has to offer. Our Resources section provides you with information that supports local and regional sustainability strategies, with a particular emphasis on sustainable housing and planning.

Rural communities across America are working to strengthen their economies, provide better quality of life and build on assets such as traditional main streets, agricultural and working lands, and natural resources.
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Sustainable communities are places that have a variety of housing and transportation choices, with destinations close to home. As a result, they tend to have lower transportation costs, reduce air pollution
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By taking steps to integrate housing, transportation and economic activity and reduce spatial and regulatory barriers to economic development, communities can boost economic activity and redirect wasted time and resources to more economically productive uses.
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Energy efficiency is central to HUD’s mission because more energy efficient homes are also likely to be more affordable and healthy for residents.
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Increasingly, local jurisdictions are coming together at a regional level to address economic, transportation, housing and other community priorities in a more integrated and comprehensive fashion.
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Community and public health goals can be supported through strategies that further sustainability.
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